Thursday, March 20, 2014

Level 1 Feedback about using Google Plus Communities

I recorded my Level 1 students today, talking about what they thought about using the Google Plus Community within the group.

So far we have been using it for practice activities and to upload development work to receive class feedback. They are just about to start using this feedback to write the analysis notes of their own design developments.


Josh and Fiu

Joseph and Aidan


It is good to hear from them that they are OK using the community and are not shy about sharing their work with each other.
What is interesting to hear is that they find it easier to give feedback on other's work than on their own.
"It is difficult for them to see their own mistakes"

What was good to hear from one of the students, was about his lack of understanding of what he was doing. He is one of the lower aSStle scores from last year in Year 10. He was nervous after the recording that I might be angry with him for saying that, but if that is how he is feeling then that is what I need to know! It is no good just saying what he thought I wanted to hear. I am so happy he was honest with me.
What I need to do is structure how to use the feedback to create bullet points of analysis for their own work. I have started a document of sentence starters, on a Google Document, but I am thinking now that I will produce these on cards that the students can have in front of them as they are analysing their work. The Google doc method could still be used if I structured the starters / questions / layout of it so that the students filled this in with the feedback that was put on their work.
After talking with the HOD English, structured sentence starters is the way to go with this.

On a practical note, this was really easy to do. I used the audio recording facility on my iPhone. I then emailed the files to myself. Logging into SoundCloud was really easy, I just clicked the log in with Google button to start the account. What is slightly disconcerting is, because I logged in with my Google account, it took the icon that I have on Google, so my weemee is HUGE on the screen for each recording when it is embedded. I have changed the embed option coming from SoundCloud on the first 3 of them and left the last one as the bigger embed to see the difference. I much prefer the smaller embedded player.

This was a very useful exercise with the students today and it has certainly got me thinking a LOT.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fabulous example of responsiveness to student feedback. I like the sentence starter idea and will be looking out to see how it goes.
