Thursday, May 1, 2014

Be More Dog...

This week I have had a great time at the GAFE Summit NZ North Island.
The summit was a two day event this time round, so there was lots of choice of great things to go and listen to.

We kicked off with a keynote from Suan Yeo.
Here are my highlights from his keynote speech :-
  • A lot of the content on the net is repurposed and re-imaged - how can you make the content say what you want it to say.
  • Start with why.
  • Do schools kill creativity.
  • Children are born inquisitive.
  • Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
  • Shift from students as consumers to students as creators.
  • The sign up rate for MOOCS is HUGE.
  • MOOC like reading the newspaper.
  • You pick what you want to learn when you want to learn it.
  • Ask questions that can’t be Googled..
  • Flip the teacher - get the students to lead the class for the day.
  • Plan for the last mile not the first
  • Let technology do the hard work.
  • Computational thinking - problem solving - the steps are important not so much the answer.
  • Internet Explorer - the best browser for downloading a better browser ( !!! )
Then the sessions started and it was all on, finding the rooms and settling down to 8 sessions of Googly learning.

Here are my highlights of the two days :-
The sessions were hands on / having a go so my notes are short and bullet point style.

Playlists - Curating YouTube with Jim Sill

This was a great, useful session where I learned lots of really good stuff that I can apply and share.

  • You need an account for a playlist on YouTube.
  • When you subscribe to stuff it teaches google what to recommend.
  • You can click on these to stop them being shown - the three dots - but you can't get rid of recommended ones so use your personal account for the silly stuff, then it won’t show up on your work account for google to recommend from it.
  • Deleting the search history will delete all the things that guide the recommendations too.

Watch on full screen - you loose all the controls.
Large player - pushes all the other on screen stuff out of view - you can still use all the controls.

Safety Mode :-
  • Down the bottom - it says safety mode - gets rid of comments from the screen.
  • Limits recommended videos to a certain type of rating. - links to what you are watching.
  • You can push safety mode out to all chrome books on the control panel.
  • for example - Sesame street video - all the recommendations are of the same TV rating of the show you are watching.

Subscription - you can set it up to email you when new ones are added - but the normal setting will just include it on your feed when you log in.

You can set the video up to play from a certain spot - this changes the url link to accommodate this setting.

Add to - playlist.
You can share playlists across users / sign ins
Add to playlist or start a new playlist.
  • Public - anyone can find it
  • Unlisted - need the link can’t be searched for
  • Private - is private

There is a button that says remove duplicates - useful
When you play one from a playlist - it will continue on and play the rest in a loop.
You can drag and drop the order that they are in.
The share option on the playlist shares the whole playlist, not just one of the videos.

Embed code - embeds the whole playlist.

It does not show recommended videos at the end , it automatically goes onto the next one then shows a curly arrow to refresh.

  • Click on enable privacy enhanced mode to embed the playlist on a site.

Hover over the vid in the playlist, for lots more options.
  • Can edit start and end times - trim up the front and back of video - doesn’t effect the vid on the web, just what appears in your playlist.
  • Can add notes / instructions
  • On the upload button you can record straight from the web cam.
  • You can record instructions in the playlist and mix it into required trimmed videos.

Get students to snip and edit up playlists to show their understanding of a topic.

  • Use the filter drop down to guide searching.
  • Use a comma and add playlist to a search - you will only get playlists on that topic.

How to Make your Google Site not look like a Google Site with Ken Shelton

The main starting points are :-

  • navigational structure
  • page layout
  • look and feel - colour, typeface etc..

Get to your content in no more than 2 clicks.
  • Why? get to important info quickly.
  • The more clicks the faster the user experience declines.

Web pages are set up in tables.
This creates a frame for the content - you usually don’t see this frame.

1200 px is a fairly good standard browser size for the width of your site.

Have the tabs as category titles so this makes it more obvious there are drop downs under them. People will then find it natural to go to the drop downs to use them.

  • Layout - Keep it simple, keep it clean.
  • Page layout based on the content.

What colour is your personality?
Colour - emotion, temperature, symbolise.

Create an account in colour lovers to save your colour schemes in.

Take photos of products that have colours that inspire… use photoshop or pixlr to get the hex codes and create a colour palette.

Serif / san serif
serif - print
san serif - web  as there is more space

Do not use Comic san!!!

Tab titles - use a serif font as there is less space

Google Art Project with Jim Sill

I didn't take many notes here at all as I was too busy playing, but these links are well worth a visit as the Google Art Project is AWESOME. The 1giga pixel photographs are AMAZING, you can get SO close to the paintings, you can see the canvas structure and individual brush strokes.
Being able to take tours and walks around galleries all round the world is an opportunity not to be missed. You can loose a LOT of time browsing though this project.

Collaboration - Concept, Power and Magic with Julie Lindsay

You can’t expect students to collaborate if teachers don't model it

  • Synchronous - in real time
  • Asynchronous - out of time, the glue that holds collaboration together across all sorts of groups.

Cooperation + Contribution = Collaboration

  • Contribute is the one that sometimes gets lost in the mix
  • + co creation - what are you going to do together?

It is not always about you and your work, it is about the final thing that you are working on together.

How are we supporting collaboration online?

Potential for miscommunication

  • Can you use tools other than google docs for collaborative learning, to build on the comfort level issues of working only through online methods - skype?, chat?, forum?

poll everywhere - free account takes first 40 answers

Google Docs - The Ultimate Workflow and Applications Suite with Ken Shelton

What can you do in 2 steps that used to take 7?
Have drive in grid view and colour the folders for instant recognition.
Thumbnails of files.

Autosave is every three to seven seconds

Develop an efficient naming protocol for documents.
Name, class, title - these become searchable terms.

Put a header on the doc and  use #name, class, title - this is then searchable too

Create searchable identifiers

My Session doc - contains lots of great pointers for using the research tool in Google docs.

I have learned LOADS of great stuff over the 2 days and the plan now is to start breaking it down and working out how I can use it and how I can share it with others.

Lots to do !!!

But, we all need to :-


Embrace the experience!
Grab the frisbee!!

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