Monday, August 26, 2019

Y9 Rocket project with Science

My new Year 9 group are using the design process to design a rocket with the science department.

They have had a meeting with their client where he made clear what the expectations are for their rocket designs so they had an idea of a design brief and specification.
Williams blog post here explains it

We has some test rockets to fly so they could see what they were aiming for but we had to wait a week as the weather was terrible.

We then go into teams, came up with team names and while we were waiting for the weather to sort itself out, we did some research about different parts of the rocket and what the different shapes and designs were.
Some blog posts here ...   Dallas     Malae     William
We did this work in our teams.
We spent Friday's lesson trying out different wing shapes, nose shapes and wing to body ratios. In effect, throwing paper aeroplanes all over the class.
They had to fill in this template to analyse what was going on with their different plane designs.

Dallas has a blog post about it here.

Our next steps are to make card 3D models then convert these into digital modelling on Tinkercad. I want them to work as teams through the whole process so each team member can be in charge of a different element of the design.

The plan is to print out the designs on the 3D printer and fly them.

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