Monday, April 22, 2024

Year 11 Visual Art Trip to Auckland Museum - Planning for AS91912

 My Year 11 Visual Art class are currently working on AS91912. So far, we have looked at the school Taonga and have done some research and sketches to do with that. Blog post here

We have recently been on a class trip to the Auckland Museum marae. We had a great guided tour around the marae in the museum, where he told us all about the history of that marae, whose it was, why it was built and why it was there in the museum. We were also given the opportunity to have a go at weaving tukutuku.

After the guided tour, we had another hour looking at all the artefacts and sitting and drawing some of them. This was the first experience for the students of drawing while there are other people / members of the public walking round being able to see what they were doing. I was very proud of how well they coped with this as this can be quite a confronting experience.

Since getting back to the classroom, we have been focussed on getting 2 sketchbook pages completed to record this work.

The planning for this is on the class website here.

I have updated the sketchbook pages tracking page with my examples so the students know where they should be up to.
I have also started the assessment page with the presentation template that the students are going to use to submit their completed work. Everything has to be submitted digitally this year so we will have to be very careful to take good quality photographs.

Here is my example so the students are clear what they have to do with their work when it is completed.

As the students use Workspaces for the rest of their classwork in other subjects, I have made a workspace for them to record their evidence onto. I will use this one workspace for all 3 standards this year as they all have to be submitted digitally. Link to workspace page

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