Monday, February 26, 2018

Getting to know my Year 11 group ...

I sent my Year 11 group a Google Form today in a bid to start to get to know them a bit better so I can support them more this year in the DVC work.


I asked then this question as we have 2 graphics teachers in the junior school and we both teach graphics in very different ways (which is a good thing). This gives me a good idea on who is used to my way of working and who isn't.


What did you like or not like about Graphics in Year 10?

i don't like editing, i most like actually drawing
i don't know
I liked making 3D designs on that website that I have forgot.
I like making design T-shirt
It was fun
I don't know because i'm not graphics in year 10
I dislike nothing about Graphics but i like the fact that every lesson is more knowledge.
I liked the activities... but I did not like the explaining and explanations that our teacher gave us weither they were a reliever or not
i like everything
I didn't get to learn as much as I wanted to learn from my class.
I enjoyed everything to do with graphics. Last year, I did a painting for Mr Pineda, and the outcome was alright and I enjoyed that a lot.
I enjoyed the journey
I like everything.

It is good to read that they enjoyed the work and wanted to learn. Even their frustrations around certain aspects in this feedback are based around wanting to learn which is very encouraging.


It is nice to see that most of the class actually  chose to be there. This makes it so much easier to "push" them towards the higher levels like I want to, as they are motivated to do it.


What other subjects are you doing this year?

i have English, Science and Maths only
English and Maths
Bcats, Maths, English and Science.
Maths,2 English, Science , and Graphics.
Maths, science, english, art
Physical education/P.E
P.E (physical education)
Visual Arts

There is the usual mix here of what I see when students come to DVC. 


Forms response chart. Question title: What plans do you have after Year 13?. Number of responses: 16 responses.

This was a very interesting result for me. Over half my group are thinking about University or other courses straight after school. This is even more reason to push / support them to gain high quality credits so they get into Level 2 and Level 3 with a knowledge of what it takes to gain at that higher level.


Why did you choose Design and Visual Communication this year?

I need it for what I want to be after I leave school
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school
I needed another option to fill my timetable
I chose it because I enjoy it
I chose it because I enjoy it, I needed another option to fill my timetable
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school
It was put onto my timetable
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school, I chose it because I enjoy it
I needed another option to fill my timetable
I chose it because I enjoy it
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school, I chose it because I enjoy it
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school, I needed another option to fill my timetable
I chose it because I enjoy it, Because...
I need it for what I want to be after I leave school, I chose it because I enjoy it

This is a nice mix of knowing that they need this subject for what they want to do after school and enjoying it.
I must get them to fill in something for me so I know what they are thinking of doing after school as I did not ask this time. It is good to see them being on to it and knowing what they need in order to get where they want to go.

Forms response chart. Question title: What kind of teaching do you prefer / learn the best from?. Number of responses: 16 responses.

I am pleased that the students like group work as I intend to build a lot more into the course. They have done a little bit so far in some activities.
I like that there is a range here. This challenges me to provide support in many different ways.


What are you good at? (think about things in school and out of school - your main strengths)

im good at drawing, i like drawing and when im out of school sometime i do teakwondo by myself.
Playing sports
In school I'm good at Sciences and at home I'm good at dancing and singing.
i'm good to do a work by myself in school.
Designs and patterns
I really good at time management, creativity, explaining things for others that need help, skilled at drawing (freehand), organising, I am also really good at sports especially dancing, really good choreography, very intelligent for academics, i'm really good at creating posters, good at singing, writing fiction stories...etc
Online gaming, and Art
I am talented at art, and creativity especially with free hand, I am also talented at dancing, hip hop dancing to be specific. I'm also good at some sports but prefer not to participate in a team. I am good with my time management when attending school and meeting the deadlines for my assessment.
I am familiar with technological devices, I am quite good at football, and visual designing. I am also good at making videos.
I'm really familiar with the art of breathing.
Apparently, I'm good at toning in a sarcastic way
Skilled Basketball player, mastered the arts of breaking ankles
I am a Fast Typer

I love that they are so free with what they are good at. Apart from one!


Where do you think you need more help? - Think about working in class and what you need support with.

i just need to improve myself how to speak english properly and to know the right grammar
nothing i understand the work.
understanding whats going on sometimes
Online work, creative templates and being very creative
I need more help with knowledge and information about how a graphics designer would design different kinds of things (e.g logos, building structure, posters,...etc) digitally.
I dont know
I need more help with some knowledge and experience in learning other ways to create amazing designs or pieces, Digital and on hand.
I could use more help with calculating similar triangles, and become familiar with a scale factor.
I need support maths, science, and English
I need support in pretty much every subject.
communication with others and talking in front of people

I don't mind that some of them put "I don't know" here as we are covering new things and skills this year and you can't really know what you need help with till you have tired them.
I is good to see that they are keen to learn new things and skills.
I love that there is mention of grammar and english skills here as this is a big focus this year. 

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