Saturday, May 19, 2018

Manaiakalani Class OnAir Lesson 5 - Reading NZQA Exemplars

Link to Manaiakalani Class OnAir to see the whole team.

Direct Instruction 

The direct instruction was split into sections on two different lessons. We looked at the NZQA exemplars for the standard we are working on at the moment.

In this session, we read the exemplars for AS91067 all together and compared what the writing for Not Achieved through to Excellence looks like.

In this session, the instructions are about highlighting the texts to show where sections are.
Describing words, reasons why and decisions and links to the architect's work.
Here, the students are brought back together again to talk about looking for where information is shown together in the text rather than in individual pieces.
This video shows some of the ongoing lesson with the students talking about what they were finding in the texts they were reading through.

Lesson Topic :- Reading the NZQA Exemplars
Year Group :-  Year 11
Learning Outcome
To be able to read through one of the exemplars from the NZQA website and pull out ad understand some of the key information.

Success Criteria
Using SOLO

Extended abstract
Students can IDENTIFY the describing words in the exemplars.
Students can DESCRIBE how the achievement levels are different to each other.
Students can EXPLAIN how the achievement levels increase in complexity.
They can ANALYSE the design reasons given in the examples.
Students REFLECT on how the written examples show the links to the work of the architect and EVALUATE how this influence is shown in the drawings.

Links with the New Zealand Curriculum

NCEA Level 1 - Curriculum Level 6

Outcome development and evaluation

Critically analyse their own and others’ outcomes to inform the development of ideas for feasible outcomes. Undertake ongoing experimentation and functional modelling, taking account of stakeholder feedback and trialling in the physical and social environments. Use the information gained to select, justify, and develop a final outcome. Evaluate this outcome’s fitness for purpose against the brief and justify the evaluation, using feedback from stakeholders.

  • Thinking - looking for differences in the achievement levels of the examples. Understanding and looking for examples of description words, reasons and architect links.
  • Using language, symbols, and texts - reading examples from NZQA
  • Managing self - listening when the teacher is reading to the whole class and working in a small team in a constructive way.
  • Participating and contributing - giving feedback as a whole class and in small groups.
  • Relating to others - listening to the opinions of others in the class and their groups.
Prior knowledge
The students have made a start designing their own seating designs based on the work of the architect of their choice.
They have a lot of information about their chosen architect from the previous standard.
Lesson Sequence

Session Outline
Students will be first reading through exemplars from the NZQA website and then picking out key elements from them.
Student Activity
Teacher Activity
  • Sit round the front table all together with own paper copy of exemplars. Read through them while listening to the teacher read them outloud.
  • Read the exemplars through with the whole class.
  • Encourage feedback from the students about the differences they see in the writing of the different levels of achievement.
  • Roam as they work in their small groups.
  • Encourage and question to stimulate conversation about what they are highlighting.

  • Use highlighter pens to focus on describing words used in the exemplars.
  • Look for reasons why decisions were made in the design work.
  • Look for and highlight any links to influence to the architect’s work.
    • Share ideas as a whole class about the differences they see in the levels of achievement in the exemplars.
    • Work together in small teams and discuss what to highlight on the examples.
    Targeted exemplars in a folder in Google Drive - print these out, one for each student.
    Highlighter pens
    Next Steps
    Next Lesson
    We will be continuing with our own design work over the next couple of lessons.
    Further in this project
    We will be using what we have learned from the exemplars to write notes with our own work. We will then read each other’s work in the same way that we have read the online exemplars.
    Reflection and Analysis

    What went well.

    Lesson Content :- Having the exemplars prepared and printed worked well and really got the students to focus on them

    Lesson Pacing :- I think splitting the tasks between two lessons was a good idea as it meant not spending too much of one single lesson doing this and the students were more focussed in the shorter sessions.

    Lesson Delivery :- I have not read to my class before so this was a totally new thing for me. I enjoyed it more than I thought. This was helped by the nice reaction of the class.

    What still needs work.

    Student Understanding :- The were not always clear about when they were reading reasons why design decisions were made. This is definitely something I need to spend more time with them on.

    Student Outcomes :- There was not as much talking between the students as I wanted to happen during the highlighting exercise. Hopefully when we do more of this and with our own work, there will be more talk.

    Other Comments.

    Having the exemplars printed out from the whole project made it easier to focus in on particular designs. Typing them out for the students also helped as they did not have to try and read the handwriting on the examples. This made it much easier for them to compare the achievement levels.

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