Monday, May 30, 2022

Inquiry 2022 - Tools, Measures and Approaches

 "Describe the tools/measures/approaches you plan to use to get a more detailed and accurate profile of students’ learning in relation to that challenge. Justify why you chose these approaches and tools."

The focus for my inquiry this year is motivation of the students and how I, as the teacher, can affect that motivation in a positive way to enable achievement.

Asking Questions
One of the first things that I have done in my inquiry this year is to ask people questions.
I tried to ask questions that drew out what they found helpful in how teachers present the work to them and what is not helpful.

Content Planning Monitoring
I am using workspaces and a class website to present the work to the students. These are used alongside emails and calendar invites (which end up in emails).
I am monitoring how the students are interacting with the content, talking to them and listening to them talk with each other. Changes can be made quite quickly if any part of the planning is confusing or not supportive enough. For example, I host the help videos on YouTube and this enables me to see how many times they have been viewed. This gives me an idea about how helpful they are being. 

NCEA Credits and Tracking
As my inquiry group are my senior DVC students (Year 11 and Year 13), I will be able to see how they are tracking along with their credits.
I also keep a spreadsheet of all the tasks and colour code them green, orange and red. This is up on the screen for the students to see what needs finishing off at a glance.

Ongoing Student Voice
Motivation is quite a tricky thing to measure so I think my best bet will be to keep talking to the students and getting their feedback as we go through the year.
I am not sure that a Google Form. will be the best way to keep doing this as they do need a bit of a shove sometimes to get them filled in. I need to come up with a quick way for them to indicate how they think things are going.

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