Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir Lesson 18 - Research Reading

See the whole Class OnAir team here

Direct Instruction

The students are brought together to be shown a Google Drawing that will be shared with them via the class site.
The purpose of this is to get them used to picking out key items of information from written text that they see on the internet.
This is to prepare them for next year when they are going to be collecting information about their architect and they need to pick out key points that they can use.

Link to Google Drawing exercise

Student Created Content

These are examples of student work that they created on the day.

This video shows sort clips of a few students talking about their work.

Lesson Topic :- Understanding Written Research - Introduction
Year Group :-  Year 11 (Jump Start )
Learning Outcome
To be able to read a piece of information from the internet and use SOLO structure to help them IDENTIFY elements, see where design work is DESCRIBED and see where decisions are EXPLAINED.

Success Criteria
Using SOLO

Extended abstract
Students can identify the elements in the text where the design and the materials used are identified.
Students can read through the information given and can highlight the areas that list and describe elements in the text.
Students can analyse the information given and can explain why they are highlighting the parts that they are.
They can start to question what they are reading as to what they don’t understand.
Students complete the reading and evaluate it so they can highlight all of the areas needed. They reflect on what they have read and pull out the words that they do not know and add them to the Answer Garden.

Links with the New Zealand Curriculum
NCEA Level 1 - Curriculum Level 6

Outcome development and evaluation

Critically analyse their own and others’ outcomes to inform the development of ideas for feasible outcomes.

  • Thinking - reading and analysing found text.
  • Using language, symbols, and texts - using SOLO to highlight key points in the text.
  • Managing self - working well as a team of two to complete the work.
  • Participating and contributing - listening to the explanation and giving input into the conversation. Giving input between them in the pair work.
  • Relating to others - Listening to the opinion of the other person in the team while doing the exercise.

Prior knowledge
The students know which architect they are focussing on.
They have produced some concept ideas for the layout of their posters.
They have not started the information collection about their architect or their work yet.
Lesson Sequence

Session Outline
The students will work in pairs on a reading exercise.
They will read through an excerpt taken directly from the internet and work together to pull out key items and colour code them so they are visible.
Student Activity
Teacher Activity
  • Listen to instructions as a whole class.
  • Get into pairs and make a copy of the activity.
  • Read the given text.
  • Discuss between them what words / sections they are going to highlight.
  • Explain to the whole class what the activity is about while they are all together at the front of the class.
  • Ensure they are working in pairs.
  • Give help and support where needed as the activity progresses.
  • Discuss individual words and phrases with students.
  • Encourage / remind students to share their work and to put unknown words into the answer garden link that is on the document.
  • Make a copy of the document and share in their pair.
  • Highlight the chosen words and sections with the appropriate colours to make those parts visible on their document.
  • Decide which words they do not know at all and add them to the shared Answer Garden.
  • Share work into the class community.
  • Look at the words that others have shared into the Answer Garden to see what others do not understand.

Access to desktop / class room computers for students with no chromebook.
Next Steps
The students will look at the words in the Answer Garden in detail and work through finding out what they mean as a class / team.
Reflection and Analysis

What went well.
The students worked well in their pairs to do the exercise. They read through the given text well and making them highlight sections ensured that they read through it more than once looking for specific elements.
This was the first time trying this kind of activity, and they responded well and understood why we were doing it and how it would positively impact their project work in the long run.

What still needs work.
Should I choose the teams / pairs or let them work with who they are comfortable with?
Some teams are more on to it than others so the makeup of the teams has an impact.
I only got them to highlight a couple of key things in this initial exercise. Can I get the same impact if they are looking for a longer list of things from the same text?

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir Lesson 17 - Design Development Layouts

See the whole Class OnAir team here

Direct Instruction
The students are advised to get out their work on design elements, their sketches from their architect's work and their concept thumbnail sketches. They will refer to these to produce their design development layouts.
These developments will be in the form of cut out coloured paper to represent the different elements of the poster designs.
They are encouraged to use the shapes and design elements from the architect to guide their work as this will help them to get merit and excellence for their project.

This is the second lesson direct instruction where the teacher is reminding the students about using the design elements they have been looking at and explaining about recording themselves analysing what they have done.

This is a short video showing one of the one to one sessions with the students that happened as we went along with the lesson.

Student Created Content

Here are some of the students talking about their design developments.
The focus was to be on why they did the layout like they did and how it relates to the work and design style of the architect they have chosen to look at.

Lesson Topic :- Visual Literacy - Poster Layout Development
Year Group :-  Year 11 (Jump Start )
Learning Outcome
The students will use their knowledge of design elements and where these design elements are seen in the work of their chosen architect.

Success Criteria
Using SOLO

Extended abstract
Students will use the elements given to identify the main elements in a poster design in a very basic way.
Students can combine the given elements together to create layouts for posters and can describe the effect that they achieve.
Students can relate the design elements they see in their architect’s work to their poster layouts.
They can analyse how they use the design elements so they create an effect that compares to the style of their chosen designer.
The students will shape and arrange the elements in ways that complement and reflect the architect’s design style to create design layouts. They can clearly reflect on what, why and how they have done this.

Links with the New Zealand Curriculum
NCEA Level 1 - Curriculum Level 6

Outcome development and evaluation

Critically analyse their own and others’ outcomes to inform the development of ideas for feasible outcomes.

  • Thinking - look at their chosen architect and think about where design elements are seen in the work.
  • Using language, symbols, and texts - using simple shape elements to represent items in a design to think about layout in a simple way.
  • Managing self - using their own thumbnail layout sketches to produce developments. Keeping themselves on task.
  • Participating and contributing - Joining in the conversation about layout at the start of the lesson. Competing layout designs and sharing these into the class community.
  • Relating to others - helping others where needed to keep them up to date.

Prior knowledge
The students have drawn from pictures of their architect’s work, looking specifically for line, shape, form and pattern.
We have all worked on illustrated design words.
The students have all produced thumbnail sketches of layouts as the starting point for their poster layouts.
Lesson Sequence

Session Outline
The students will be cutting out pieces of coloured paper to represent different elements of poster design layouts. These will be the overall poster shape and proportion, the images, the information and the main title. These will be in reference to the design elements that they have drawn from their architects work, the design elements they have been drawing and the thumbnail concept layouts they have been doing.
Student Activity
Teacher Activity
  • The students sit together to listen to the instruction session from the teacher.
  • Respond and ask questions where needed during this session.
  • While working, the students will be referring to their previous work - drawings of the work of their chosen architect, design word illustrations and  thumbnail concept sketches - to get ideas and starting points for their design developments.
  • Explain to the students all together about the different coloured paper elements they will be using for their layout work.
  • Demonstrate briefly how to produce a layout to the whole class.
  • Monitor individual progress as they are working to make sure they are clear about what they have to do.
  • Photograph completed layouts as they are done and upload them to the class community for all of the class to see.
  • Encourage and support the creation of analysis videos as the students reach that stage.
  • The students will be using the coloured paper to cut out the shape and proportion of the image and information elements of the poster layouts. These will be put onto the background white piece which will also have been cut to shape and size.
  • Stick all the elements down to save the layouts.
  • Hold the layouts up in front of an iPad and video an explanation and reflection of their layout design.
  • Make 3 different layouts in this same way and record them all.
  • Share the photograph of their layouts into the class Google Plus Community for the whole class to see each other’s layout ideas.
  • Share the videos of their explanations into the class Google Plus Community so the whole class can listen to the reasons for the layout designs.
  • Look at everyone else's layout designs in the class community and watch the videos of their explanations.

White paper
Blue and green paper
Access to online to view design elements and pictures of architects work.
Next Steps
Use these simple layout structures to help them start layout developments on the computer.
Reflection and Analysis

What went well.
The layouts are really starting to reflect the style of the chosen architects so I think that letting them think in simple colour blocks like this is working. They are applying the design words / elements well that we have been talking about and I can hear them speak the right words as they are discussing their work with each other.
This is a good start to Level 1 using the correct terminology from the start, then they can include it in their analysis write ups later in the course.

What still needs work.
This was the first time for the class to make videos of themselves talking about their work, so they were quite shy about it. This also took a long time as they needed to redo and hide in corners to do it.
Some students had not completed many hand drawn thumbnail sketch layouts, so had to spend a little time catching up on this before they could start on the development layouts.