Thursday, August 25, 2022

Inquiry - Utilising Social Media to Advertise the DVC Course

 In a previous blog post, I have discussed my reasoning for using social media to reach the students. This year, the DVC course does not have any Year 10 students on the Technology rotations so we decided to do a bit of advertising. This was to coincide with this weeks Careers expo. We filmed students working and some student work and put it together in a. short movie and shared it with the Y10, Y11 and Y12 students as these are the ones who will be making their option decisions soon. These links were emailed round to them. We also made another one during the expo and shared that with them too. I am hoping this has done two main things. Advertised the course for next year and made them aware of the content on social media so they will maybe check back.

    Promo Links

    Expo Links

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Inquiry - Student Feedback - Small Steps

 I received some unasked for feedback from my Year 9 students today as they were coming into their cooking lesson. Read the blog post here explaining how I am experimenting with using social media.

They came in today and quite a few were saying " I watched the video Miss" .... " I know what to do Miss". One boy had even watched the video on all three places it was hosted! This makes a very pleasant change from them not even opening the email with the link to the class site and having no idea what they were doing when they got to the lesson.

Small steps but it made me smile.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Inquiry - Can Social Media be an Option?

My inquiry this year is about motivation and engagement. I have outlined in this blog post how I feel that this is going so far this year and how i feel it is time to have a new direction for this. I have also thought about questions to move me forward.

My main thoughts are, can I utilise social media as a tool for engagement and motivation?

This brought with it a lot of soul searching as to whether I should. I have bemoaned the constant use of mobile phones by students along with everyone else and their dwindling attention spans due to short, sharp inputs of information from their little hand held buddies. But then I started thinking, is this going to change? No. It isn't. So can I use it? 

After getting feedback from one of my most unmotivated students that he learned stuff from TikTok, I decided to have a look. Like the rest of the internet, it is a combination of interesting stuff, fun stuff and total piffle. I started an account and had a go at making some Lego movies myself. It was fun. I wasn't great at using the app so decided before going further I would engage the help of the experts. Over the last 2 weeks, I have been getting some pretty intensive training from my lovely Year 13 girls, who are finding it amusing to be training me and are exited when I show them my new videos. 

After talking my plan over the DP in charge of curriculum and Fiona from Manaiakalani, I decided to load the videos up to three places, TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. This was not arduous, as when you make a video on TikTok, it is downloaded to your phone. This just means uploading it to the other two spaces and copying and pasting the written stuff.

The reason i have decided to include my Year 9 Food Tech class in this experiment is that they are driving me TOTALLY CRAZY!!! I put a load of effort into the site pages for each recipe, with videos to watch, links to check out etc. Example here. I email this to them directly and they don't check their emails. When it comes to cooking day, I ask if they have looked at the resources I have sent them. No, comes the reply. I have been printing out the recipes so they have them available to follow on the day. I have to remind them they are there. Since making a few examples on TikTok, I have been getting some promising feedback from them. 

There is still the hitch that I have to email the link to the video directly to them so they know that it is there, but small steps.

Here is where I am up to with this experiment as of writing this blog post.

Year 13 - AS91627TikTokInstagramYouTube
Observational DrawingLinkLinkLink
Observational Drawing Tracing TechniqueLinkLinkLink
Concept IdeasLinkLinkLink

Year 9 Food TechTikTokInstagramYouTube
Chocolate MuffinsLinkLinkLink

Microbit Flashing HeartLinkLinkLink

Link to spreadsheet as this will be kept up to date so I can find things easily.

I will get some feedback from my Year 13 and Year 9 students and then start making some for my Year 11 class. I am hoping I can send links to the Year 10 students to use them as advertising for the course for next year as DVC isn't offered to Year 10 this year.

PD - Building and Strengthening our Local Curriculum


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Inquiry - Causal chain

"A causal chain is when a cause leads to an effect and that effect becomes the cause of another effect
A leads to B. B leads to C. C leads to D.
Any intervention you design will (consciously or not) be based on a causal chain you have in mind - this is your theory of action."

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Inquiry - Restating the Problem

 "How can I use and expand on existing platforms that the students are familiar with, to motivate them to be more engaged with their work."

At the start of the year, I had decided to focus on motivation and engagement for my inquiry problem. I have been making help videos and support material for all the activities that they have been asked to do so far this year. I have been putting this help on the class site and on the student workspaces, so it is all really easy to find. I have been emailing the direct links to this to the students. 

So far this year, this has been ok for those students who are engaging with communications from school (emails etc) but hopeless for those students who don't. If they don't check their emails, go on the class site or the workspaces, they are not engaging with the work at all. The videos and help have been really helpful for those students who are working form home for any period of time and for those in the class while I work one to one with others.

During some PD this week, I was listening to Subash Chander K from Ormiston Junior College
Youtube - infinityplusone
Twitter - @elsubash

He was talking about how he started a YouTube channel for Maths and the really positive affect it has had on students. This really clicked with me as I had already been ticking an idea over in my head about trying to reach the students in a different way, especially those who don't connect with the traditional channels. A really interesting question that he raised was, can education be on demand.

This links nicely with the Manaiakalani kaupapa of ubiquitous learning, anytime and any place. Also, after the last CoL meeting, where we were talking about how to use technology to support what we need to do, this seemed to fit really well. 

Another place where this fits well is from student feedback when i was talking to them about what they thought motivation was. - blog post here. One particular comment stuck with me from an especially unmotivated student. He said that he uses social media to learn new things. I had not looked at it this way before and it started a little kernel of thought at the back of my head. This came to the surface again this week while listening to the teacher talking about using YouTube channels.

So, I have a slightly different direction to go in now. It is still firmly based in student motivation and engagement but with a twist.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

PD - Beyond the Code


You don't need maths and science for every tech role. Tech is part of every job and career.


Keynote - Dan Te Whenua Walker - Microsoft

Indigenous at Microsoft

A platform to do good in the community.

<2% M and P in tech industry

Cultural tax / low trust / lack of role models

Indigenous @microsoft launched august 2020


Tupu Toa - skills training

Maori AI and neural machine learning

Microsoft translator - creating access to the language for more people

Holo lens - builds the space around you in VR

Maori minecraft universe

Wrapped xbox

id@xbox - game developers

Xbox cloud gaming - play on other devices

Subash Chander K - Ormiston Junior College

Slido - 20207

Youtube - infinityplusone

Twitter - @elsubash

Flipped learning - creating videos for the students to access their learning

Project AA - sphero robots

Live streaming resulted in lots of feedback and questions from the students. Much more than the online lessons.

Can education be on demand?

When, as adults we need to know something or learn how to do something, we go online. Watch a video / read some info. We learn what to do when we need to know it.

Can you sometimes be guilty of forcing “the fancy stuff” on the kids where they want a more basic approach.

Passion projects can ignite a different side to the kids interests.

Adobe creative educator

Teachers need to be -

Master of adaptability, how fast cab you change to meet the needs of the time?

30 Women And Gender Diverse Folks Tell Us How They Got Into Tech? (School Student Friendly)

Whitney Steel - Xero

Not all jobs in tech need tech experience. Don't need coding or science and maths

@whitneysee - -tictok

Tech - be aware of what is the here and now - to be disruptive , you have to know what is now in order to change it. Keeping an eye on the future and what is changing in order to be able to do this.