Saturday, June 4, 2022

Planning for AS91068 - Undertake development of design ideas through graphics practice

 Planning for AS91068 - Undertake development of design ideas through graphics practice.

The whole project is broken down using the explanations on the standard. This ensures that i am planning for the highest levels. This is also useful for the students to know what they have to do for each level.

Link to doc here

This then gets laid out onto the class website, with links through to all the tasks, the standard, NZQA exemplars and the clarification. Each task page has instructions, reading and examples to support them through what they have to do.

The students work on Hapara Workspaces, so the templates and help are also put onto a workspace that we use to hand in the work.

Link to the workspace is here. - (as of writing this, this workspace is a definite "under construction" )

The good thing about this standard is that I can attach another couple of standards to the project - the Design Brief standard (AS91044) - link to work for that here. I can also do the rendering standard (AS91066) with this project too, when they are showing form, texture and materials on their design ideas. (another pile of "in process" planning here )
The external that i enter the students into for this course is AS91063. It is all about their freehand sketching through the design process.
I make sure I build in lots of opportunities for doing this. Here is the examples that I make to guide them. The designs are leading out from AS91067, so really all this work is one massive project.

As you can see, this planning was built around one standard but includes a lot of other elements that means the students can pick up more credits for the work that they do.
One extended project that has 5 standards attached to it.

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