Sunday, March 17, 2024

Inquiry 2024 - Question 1 and 2

  1. Collaborate with your school’s leadership team and colleagues to identify areas where your inquiry will make a powerful contribution to wider school and cluster goals.
  2. From what you know already about your classes and your school’s profile and leadership goals for the year, share a possible inquiry focus.

The Tamaki College CoL teachers team met with senior management to discuss what our inquiries are about this year.
I explained that my inquiry this year was going to be a continuation of what I worked on last year, which was reading for understanding in research tasks. 
I had a lot of learning to do my self last year and then I trialled a few things with my Year 9 Food Tech class before working with my Year 11 DVC class. This meant that the time spent using the inquiry focus with that Year 11 class was short and sharp last year and focussed at a very particular task, which was materials research reading. Link to the label with last years inquiry posts is here.
The feedback from SLT this year has been positive and they like the fact that I am continuing an inquiry for a longer period of time instead of picking up something completely different. They like the fact that I am able to try my inquiry out on two different curriculum areas this year, Year 11 DVC and Year 11 Visual Art and would also like me to include my Y12 DVC group as a lot of those students were included in my class last year. They would like to see the effects of using the same inquiry focus for two years with the same students.
Having a focus on literacy, especially reading, fits perfectly with both the cluster and the school goals.

Next steps for me :-
  • Getting student voice about how they feels about reading in subjects that are very hands on and practical.
  • Understanding where there needs are by analysing the PAT results.

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