Describe the tools/measures/approaches you plan to use to get a more detailed and accurate profile of students’ learning in relation to that challenge. Justify why you chose these approaches and tools.
My Design and Visual Communication classes at Level 1 and Level 2 are all mixed ability and mixed experience in DVC.
The students in the Year 11 class mostly had me for Graphics in Year 10, but a few of them did not have any Graphics experience in Year 10.
In the Year 12 class, there are 27 students and only 8 of them did DVC at Level 1 last year.
It is because of this very mixed reality of my classes that I want to focus on how to SUPPORT my students in any way possible, both in the class and in any forced home situation that might arise.
I want the students to feel like they know what they need to do and how to do it at all times. The main hub for this support will be the class site, but the manner that will take will be experimented on and action will be taken on student feedback throughout the process.
At the moment, the students lack of confidence causes them to come to a halt in the project process too often. They work well when I am with them but I notice that they stop as soon as I walk away to work with another student. My idea of putting enough support on the class site is obviously not enough if it can't help them when they are stuck.
I always seem to choose an inquiry where it is difficult to get hard facts and figures throughout the process and only really have the NCEA results as the "measured" point. I will need to try and build in check points where I can compare the results that students are achieving throughout the year and see if there is any difference in how fast they are being achieved to previous years. Students voice will also be absolutely key to this inquiry as there is no point in me pushing something that they won't use or is no help.