Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Multimodal set up for Year 8 3D Design on Tinkercad

 Tinkercad is awesome at any time but during lockdown it is great. My students can do 3D design from home and they are supported by the lessons that Tinkercad make, taking you step by step through individual skills. What is also really useful is the "class" that you can set up. This makes it super easy to see the work the students are doing without them having to share it with you.

I have tried to set up my class site with step by steps and videos to help them with skills to go along with the Tinkercad ones, They can then see the steps being done on video. My Y8 group have just started learning the skills so I have been working through tasks with them as well as making them videos that they can watch in their own time. I have tried to keep my videos nice and short and to the point so they are targeted to specific tasks and skills.

Link to page on class site

Great blog post from Deborah, explaining one of her Tinkercad lessons.

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