Thursday, May 2, 2019

Breaking the Labels

I told my students :-
"Don't label people"
We then did the exact opposite.

I wrote these labels up on the board ...

Detail - focussed on the smallest details and spend an hour on a tiny part of a design
Final Product - focussed on the finish, the end of the task / project etc, not caring about the process and journey to get there
Perfectionist - everything must be perfect and if it is not it gets ripped out of the sketchbook or rubbed out.
Slow pants - everything takes forever to complete
I can't draw - their negative self talk makes them unable to move forward.

After explaining what each of these meant, I gave the students a couple of sticky notes to label themselves.

"but you told us not to label people!!"
Exactly!, but you label yourselves every day and these labels stop you from making any progress with your design projects.

Don't Label Yourself!


  1. What a fabulous idea - this could be used is so many different contexts.

    1. Thanks Donna. We had fun doing it. They labelled themselves exactly how I would have done which was interesting to see.
