Thursday, May 16, 2019

Inquiry Question 6

Develop a set of hypotheses about patterns in your teaching that could be changed to more effectively address the student learning focus.

Talking - very teacher focused with not enough student input. I do a lot of one to one talking with students where they are only talking to me but then they are answering questions and not leading the talk.
Sharing - the students share their work into the class G+ communities and have been doing for a number of years now. They all can see each others’ work but there is not a lot of interaction going on or feedback.
What I am lacking in my practice here is putting aside time during the lesson for students to give feedback to each other.
Sharing - when I was at university we had to put our work up on the wall and talk about it to the whole class on a very regular basis. This made us think about what we had done, why we did it and the effect it had. It also gave us a little more confidence about talking about our work. I have not given my classes the chance to talk about their work in that kind of way in a more public setting.
Peer assessment and feedback - we have looked at each other's work in the class communities but not really given feedback that would give any direction for further design development. The feedback has mostly come from the teacher and from the client if they are working with one.
Mindset - the students come into Graphics with a very negative mindset about what they think they are not able to do. They talk themselves out of achieving a lot of the time. This is something that I have not been addressing very successfully up to now.
Feedback - While talking to Mrs Anderson and her students from Panmure Bridge while they were here for Technology, they told me that they don't really feel comfortable going onto someone else's work to give feedback unless they have "permission". They like to know the person or have that person be aware that they will be writing feedback.
Mrs Anderson also added that she sets aside very specific time for them to give feedback to each other. It is part of her planning.
This was really interesting to find out. In my teaching, I do not set aside time for peer to peer feedback in the lesson, so I really need to address this and i need to structure it so they feel comfortable doing it.

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