We have just had the 5th anual Manaiakalani Film Festival yesterday. This event has got bigger and bigger every year, with over 50 videos being submitted this year from the 9 schools in the cluster.
The event was held at Hoyts Cinemas at Sylvia Park in Auckland. My first job of the morning was to take 12 classroom chairs ( for presenters to sit on ) and our school display board up to the cinema. I managed to convince Matt that he REALLY wanted to help ( !! ), so we got everything up there in the school van. I had made a 6 foot version of the poster shown here, so it was a simple matter this year of pinning this to our display board.
While we were there in the morning, it was really quiet as it was before the cinema was open, so we took advantage !!
One of the big film displays was for the new James Bond film to come out.
So check out double oh two and a bit....
The show kicked off at 9.30 to a packed house of junior and intermediate students, who were all very excited to be there. Our Tamaki College students were not due to present until the 3rd show, so I went and picked them up from school at 11.30. To keep them happy and full for the rest of the day, we had a little stop over for burgers on our way in..
We had 3 lots of presenters this year, as we had videos from 2 dance groups and 4 videos from the media studies class. This was the biggest year for Tamaki College at the festival. ( I have already started planting seeds to a few staff members for next year !! )
Our year 9 and 10 arrived for the fourth showing. They had come from school on 2 trains after walking to the train station. As they were arriving through the shopping centre, you could hear a wall of sound on its way. TC was in the house!!!
The presenters were extra nervous for this show, as it was in front of all their friends, but it went well.
For the evening presentation, I picked the students up from school at 5.30 and we were off again. As we got there nice and early, it was ice creams all round. ( We were at the cinema !! )
Mr Telefoni. the head of music, had organised a band to play for all the guests arriving at the evening show.
My presenters were dressed in their Azonto outfits ready for being the 3rd to go, and they were loving the attention they were getting as the audience were coming in and seeing them.
They all presented really well on the day, and all the Tamaki College videos went down really well with the audiences of the 3 showings we were involved in.
Check out the Tamaki College videos on TCTV on
Check out the videos from the whole cluster on the Manaiakalani Site on