Friday, June 8, 2018

Manaiakalani Class OnAir Lesson 7 - Design analysis using Literacy Strategies

Link to Manaiakalani Class OnAir to see the whole team.

Direct Instruction

The students were shown the examples and templates that were available to them on the class Google Plus Community.

We reflected on the back up work we have done for this activity and an explanation of the example is given so the students understand what they are being shown and how to use it.

This video shows some of the ongoing lesson.

Class Site Content

This is the write up example broken into the three paragraphs and coloured to match the poster on the back wall of the classroom.

This is the template that was provided for the students to work on.

This is the linking words document provided to help them with some ideas for the words to link design points with reasons.

Learner Generated Content


Lesson Topic :- Using Literacy Strategies for Design Analysis
Year Group :-  Year 11
Learning Outcome
To be able to use the literacy strategies that we have been working on recently to write a meaningful design analysis.

Success Criteria
Using SOLO

Extended abstract
Students identify the main parts of their design.
Students can describe their design using noun groups.
Students can link a statement about their design to a reason by using a linking word.
Students can reflect on how their design relates to the work of their chosen architect.

Links with the New Zealand Curriculum

NCEA Level 1 - Curriculum Level 6

Outcome development and evaluation

Critically analyse their own and others’ outcomes to inform the development of ideas for feasible outcomes. Undertake ongoing experimentation and functional modelling, taking account of stakeholder feedback and trialling in the physical and social environments. Use the information gained to select, justify, and develop a final outcome. Evaluate this outcome’s fitness for purpose against the brief and justify the evaluation, using feedback from stakeholders.

  • Thinking - think about all the strategies we have been working through and use them together in their work
  • Using language, symbols, and texts - writing a design analysis
  • Managing self - staying on task and not letting one person in the pair do all the work.
  • Participating and contributing - working together in a pair to help each other with their writing
  • Relating to others - supporting each other with their writing to analyse design work. Understanding what another student was trying to achieve with their design work.
Prior knowledge
We have done the following over a series of lessons to prepare for this activity :-
Lesson Sequence

Session Outline
The students will work in pairs to analyse one of their design developments for their seating project. We will be focussing the use of three paragraphs to make three points, noun groups and linking points with reasons or justifications.
Student Activity
Teacher Activity
  • Students sit round the front table and are given pointers as to where they can find all of the resources and activities on the class Google Plus Community.
  • Look at the examples and listen while the teacher explains the content.
Supply and explain the resources for the class to use.

Ensure the focus is on :-

Three paragraphs for three separate points.

Using noun groups to expand on details.

Use of linking words to connect and point to a reason or opinion.
  • Students each make a copy of the paragraph template.
  • Choose a design from their sketchbooks to analyse.
  • Work in pairs to support each other in writing the analysis paragraphs.
  • Share their completed template in the class community so the rest of the class can learn from what they have written.

Next Steps
Next Lesson
Analyse further design work in the same project.
Further in this project
Use the same structure to analyse the effectiveness of their final design.
Reflection and Analysis

What went well.

Lesson Content :- Having spent quite a few lessons preparing for this and slowly building the skills, the students were able to progress quite well with this activity and understood what I wanted them to do.

Lesson Delivery :- My confidence in delivering this was higher than I anticipated due to the slow build of the skills and the support that I have had from the literacy specialists in the school and from visiting other schools.
Explanation writing - blog post

Student Understanding :- they did really well with the work and I was able to support them while they were writing and we both knew what we were aiming for.

Student Outcomes :- when you compare their writing from this activity to the baseline writing task that we did in March, there has been a very pleasing improvement.

What still needs work.

Lesson Pacing :- It took two double periods for the analysis of one design development, so this was quite along time for three paragraphs, but I am hoping that this will improve the more we do this and they get used to it.

Student Understanding :- There was a wide range in the support that I had to give during this whole process from a couple of suggestions to co-constructing sentences together with the students. This generally reflects the abilities of this class as a whole whenever we are working on anything.

Other Comments.

I found it a great help to have the support for me as a teacher from the colleagues that I have been working with and it gave me a lot of confidence with these writing / literacy activities.


  1. Karen this is such awesome stuff, just by readig it and listening to your presentation blew me away. I have learnt a lot and have mor eto learn from this and this is just the begining. I am so appreciative of you and all the work that you have put into your work for your students, i admire you Karen and strive to follow the example that you are.

    1. Thanks Carol. I really appreciate your kind feedback. It has been a steep learning curve but worthwhile for me as I am now able to try and implement things with my other classes.
